«Зберегти полум’я: культурна спадщина України як життєва лінія для її діаспори»
В Україні створено інструмент для збереження культурної спадщини та підтримки культурних зв'язків для тимчасово переміщених українців за кордоном.
Ветеранський шлях до відновлення: історія одного повернення до життя
Щодня на фронті українські військові переживають біль, втрати й неймовірну напругу. Шрами війни залишаються не лише на тілі, але й на душі. Дмитро Гнатюк знає це з власного досвіду.
Healthy Lunch: Інноваційний підхід до корпоративного харчування
Замовляючи Healthy Lunch для вашої компанії, ви автоматично робите внесок у підтримку Збройних Сил України, адже частина коштів спрямовується на благодійність
Корисне та смачне харчування для військових: підтримка від Health and Food Kyiv
З жовтня 2022 року Health and Food Kyiv сфокусувала свої зусилля на забезпеченні якісного харчування для бойових медиків та військових. Їхня робота включає постачання корпоративного харчування до евакуаційних вагонів, що відіграє критично важливу роль у збереженні життів захисників на фронті
1,380,000 UAH in Just 90 Minutes: How CF KOLO Raised Funds for a New Emergency Department at the Main Military Clinical Hospital
In just 90 minutes of a charity auction dedicated to the Olympic Games, the team raised 1,380,000 UAH for the new emergency department of Main Military Clinical Hospital
KOLO Charity Foundation and Mentis ReHub: A Shared Path to Healing Heroes
Thanks to the KOLO foundation, Mentis ReHub received funding of more than 450,000 UAH. This allows the provision of rehabilitation services to a large number of soldiers
Iryna Soloshenko presented the projects "Main Clinical Military Hospital" and "Mobile Evacuation" at the REBUILD UKRAINE: HEALTH & REHABILITATION EXPO XXI 2024 in Warsaw
Goal 3 of Sustainable Development emphasizes good health and well-being. This is precisely what Iryna Soloshenko's projects aim to address
Cooperation between KOLO Charitable Foundation and First Volunteer Surgical Hospital “Brass”
The hospital has joined the ReHUB medical program and has become a partner of the KOLO Charitable Foundation in performing certain specific reconstructive operations, namely the restoration of lost functions of the hands and legs due to gunshot and bullet wounds
Adaptive clothing and barrier-free spaces - support for veterans
KOLO Charitable Foundation has become a partner of the social project "My odniiei krovi": фdaptive clothing and barrier-free spaces - support for veterans
Presentation of the medical program ReHUB within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Conference "Doctors for Heroes"
In response to the challenges of reconstructive medicine, the KOLO Charity Foundation presented its own solutions - the ReHUB program and the "Equal to Equal" project at “Doctors to Heroes” conference
Iryna Soloshenko’s Participation in the state forum YES
Iryna Soloshenko, coordinator of the medical projects of the "KOLO" Foundation, in particular "Medical evacuation", joined the discussion "The future belongs to us. But at a high price”
Educational and Scientific Center for Prosthetics and Rehabilitation
In 2023, at the initiative of the KOLO Charitable Foundation, the NGO U+, Parashar Industries, and the Rehabilitation Center "Without Limits" (Bez Obmezhen), an Educational-Innovative Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Center was established at the Postgraduate Education Institute of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
The “Medical Descent” project has received the Responsibility Awards 2023
In 2023, out of 168 Ukrainian initiatives, the "Medical Descent" project under the leadership of Volodymyr Nechiporuk entered the Shortlist of 4 nominees for the Bogdan Havrylyshyn Foundation Award in the category of National Partnership Project 2023
Today we want to report on the implementation of the project "EVACUATION" which aims to purchase and re-equip vehicles for the evacuation of the wounded.
The project "Thank you, Mom!"
For 10 years of work of BO BF KOLO, of course, there were many projects. Most continued from year to year and have a sustainable approach.But we have one special - this is "Pospishayki." The aim of the project is modern equipment of hospitals that provide assistance in the rehabilitation of premature babies.
10 years of continuous activity of the Foundation!
We are proud to serve Ukrainian society and people for 10 years. For the fund team - this is the #Service, which is based on trust efficiency, humanity and transparency of activities.
KOLO Charity Foundation Head of the Board, Olena Kryvenko, participated in the Ukrainian House in Davos, 2023
KOLO Charity Foundation Head of the Board, Olena Kryvenko, presented the organization's activities at the Ukrainian House in Davos, 2023